found one!

i am one happy lady.

i just discovered that one of our local universities (Cal Poly) has a student run working museum of letterpress. it is open to public tours! this makes me so excited to get home to California.

how awesome would it be to be this girl? pulling the lever and creating glorious word art?

if you live on the Central Coast and want to come with me to visit Shakespeare Press Museum, just let me know. More the merrier!

April 13, 2010. Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Letterpress video

Found on Repeatpress’s blog, this video makes me want so much to apprentice in a shop somewhere someday.

April 12, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

press out those letters.

there are some things you can appreciate without feeling the need to recreate, and then others that inspire imitation. i’ve discovered something that i simply have to learn to do at some point. If anyone knows of a way for me to make this happen, please share! letterpress. oh how i want to learn to print in this delightfully manual style. OH LET ME LEARN!

i love the way that you see the printed ink and the embossing of the print on the page. there is something so substantial and satisfying about it. i’ve read that in some cities there are workshops that one can attend to learn the art of letterpress. i hope that i can find something of the sort when we live in bristol. it seems like there would be a large art loving community there. we shall see.

somewhere, someday, i want to try my hand at this.

April 11, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.


Dad in Hong Kong

Adventure seems to run in my blood. When I was a kid I would play “airlines” with my older sister Bethany and we would pretend to travel to all sorts of fun places. The other favorite game was train. I would put a chair next to my bedroom window that faced our front porch and read or pretend to amuse myself during a long imaginary train ride across the country to the wild west.

My dad always said that he passed the travel bug along to a few of us kids, and turns out I’m one of the lucky ones. It will be so strange to move back to the states knowing that we won’t be returning to Germany. As I was hanging my laundry out on the clothes line in the garden I was reminded yet again of how different our world is here. Im going to miss it to be sure. But Im so looking forward to the English part of our adventures. Living in England has always been a secret dream of mine. I feel so lucky. Honestly, it seems so rare for people to live out their dreams.  Well, i guess it is in my blood and my mindset. The entire world belongs to the Lord, His arm is never too short to save, and being here has only served to reinforce the conviction that the Lord’s work will be done, but we are invited to take part in that work, and the benefit it entirely ours!

p.s. i think Fae has it too…the travel bug i mean. Her favorite thing at the moment is “playing” airplane.

April 7, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

claim it.

How lovely to lay claim to ones favorite books with a delightful bookplate. I think my one of my older sisters gave me my first set of bookplates when i was 11 or 12. She too is a lover of books. These particular book plates struck a soft spot in my heart.

April 3, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

creative genius not limited to the ladies

How great would it be to be able to visit yarn shops and fabric stores all across the country on your off time? If you were a cross country trucker you could. Apparently knitting and quilting has become a more popular hobby for truckers, i love the thought of big tough men dreaming up patterns as it talks about in this article that my husband stumbled across. Enjoy.

Check out the article HERE.

April 3, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

another success

haven’t you noticed that craft night is always highly satisfying?

(me, preparing for our party, see the boxes of crafts- waiting to be unleashed in the background of the mirror? Oh so delightfully enthralling!)

there is something so satisfying about making things while engulfed in the chitter chatter of lovely ladies.  The “broach” style embellishment on my friend Olivia’s dress was a highlight of the evening. Made from fabric scraps crafted into rosettes, a thrift-ed button, and an crocheted snowflake from a previously abandoned project. Such a good addition to this fun dress.

i like, love, adore craft night.

April 2, 2010. Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Latest Successes…

…crafting of all sorts,shapes and sizes. That is what i love. Here are a few pictures of recently completed projects. Two bubble skirts for Fae, and an adorable, albite too small sweater. An instant hand-me-down for someone’s lucky lady.

April 1, 2010. Uncategorized. 1 comment.