press out those letters.

there are some things you can appreciate without feeling the need to recreate, and then others that inspire imitation. i’ve discovered something that i simply have to learn to do at some point. If anyone knows of a way for me to make this happen, please share! letterpress. oh how i want to learn to print in this delightfully manual style. OH LET ME LEARN!

i love the way that you see the printed ink and the embossing of the print on the page. there is something so substantial and satisfying about it. i’ve read that in some cities there are workshops that one can attend to learn the art of letterpress. i hope that i can find something of the sort when we live in bristol. it seems like there would be a large art loving community there. we shall see.

somewhere, someday, i want to try my hand at this.

April 11, 2010. Uncategorized.

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